Monday, 5 August 2013

Confessions of a not so Shopaholic

Many of us have or read the book Confessions of a Shopaholic or have watched the movie. After just finishing watching the movie (on my day off  :)  ) it puts 'fashion' in a perspective. 

Big name brands have a heavy price tag and if you are in the world of fashion (especially in the fashion magazine industry) you are 'expected' to wear the heavy tagged items. Which puts all your one month pay slip towards your shiny plastic card. 

But if your not in the fashion industry but still love fashion and the shopping experience, 7 out of 10 of people reading this has walked away from the store doors feeling sick of what you just bought. It may look so gorgeous on you but the price is in the back of your mind......just lingering.... You shake the feeling knowing the little bit of shiny plastic in your wallet has just 'saved your life' (for now). The sales assistant smiles and acts like your new bff when she puts through the sale. You feel vivid "on top of the world", when you walk out of those heavy glass doors. You feel confident, in control and happy.

'Rebecca Bloomwood: When I was 7 most of my friends stopped believing in magic. That's when I first started. They were beautiful, they were happy. They didn't even need any money, they had magic cards.'

Yes, Ladies that's what the "shopping experience" is all about. Why do you think they call it retail therapy? You can't exchange a guy the next day for a chiffon blouse. (Probably you could, im sure the retail gals will be most impressed.) But a store is there for you no matter what, if you are having a bad hair day or if you just got fired from a job.

Whats my point? (Im getting to that)

Shopping has its pros and cons:

Pro: It makes you feel happy (Like eating chocolate)

Con: It costs money to shop (tip: don't add up how much you have spent on clothes it might make you cry)

What I am trying to say is that you should enjoy your life, spend your money but be wise. Look at a piece of clothing and really ask yourself "is this a good investment?" Is is going to enhance your look, or make you look meh? Ladies, we don't want meh, we want Fabulous!!! So, next time ask yourself "is it a good investment for me?"


Always With Style,

La Moda Stylist

P.S If you think you are a shopaholic or know someone who is. Don't be afraid to ask for help, everyone needs a helping hand sometime.

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